Privacy Notice

A Father’s Friend Limited® is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. Please read the following information carefully. This privacy notice explains how A Father’s Friend Limited® will collect, store, use, and share the personal information you provide in the course of conducting support as a ‘consultant. 

  1. We do not need specific consent to retain your data as we have a ‘legitimate interest’ in retaining it. 

  2. We only collect and retain relevant information needed for your case. 

    1. This information will be held in any of three separate systems 

      1. The A Father’s Friend Limited® accounts system 

      2. The A Father’s Friend Limited® administrative system 

      3. The consultant’s own records 

    2. We will hold your full name, email address, phone number and home address across all three systems 

    3. Additional details that you provide to the consultant, in the course of them carrying out their role, will only be retained by the consultant. This will include any special category data that you choose to disclose to them. Such information is held on the ‘legitimate interest’ basis. 

i. If you have any concerns on special category data, please discuss this with the consultant at your ‘D.I.Y. Service’ (Strategy and planning meeting) or email: 

  1. Your data will be retained for: 

    1. Accounts and administrative systems – six years 

    2. Consultants’ files - two years from the date your case closes, where consultation commenced; if consultation did not commence, your details will be removed 12 months from the date of your ‘initial consultation call’ call. A Father’s Friend Limited

  2. We do not share any information with third parties unless: 

    1. We consider a child to be at significant risk of harm 

    2. The consultant believes that you are the recipient of proceeds from crime 

    3. You have agreed to a package that requires the involvement of a solicitor or barrister.

    4. You have agreed to a referral to one of our approved referral partners. 

  3. All electronic information is stored on a cloud service

  1. The detailed information provided to the consultant is treated as being strictly private and confidential. The consultant does not share this information with any external third party. 

  2. If you require further services following you ‘D.I.Y. service’ meeting then the next steps report and applications to mediation and courts; 

    1. Might be read by other parties within A Father’s Friend Limited®, as these documents are subject to quality checks prior to release. 

    2. Upon the agreement of both parties, can be shared by us with your consultant or advisor.

  3. All data gathered by our consultants is considered relevant, adequate and limited to what is necessary; at any point in time you can ask to see what data is being held through a Subject Access Request; you have the right: 

    1. To be informed 

    2. To have access to the data 

    3. For the data held to be rectified 

    4. Of erasure 

    5. To restrict processing 

    6. To data portability 

    7. To object 

    8. Not to be subject to automated decision-making including profiling 

  4. A Father’s Friend Limited may scan two pieces of identity to verify your appearance and address. Typically, these are driving licence and passport. These are uploaded immediately from the consultants device to a cloud server and deleted from the consultants device on a weekly basis. They will be destroyed upon completion of service or the closure of your case/ service. 

  5. We may contact you during and after the consultant process to inform you about our services, mediation and or legal information we consider relevant to your situation. 

  6. We may contact you to review the service you have received from A Father’s Friend Limited. 

  7. Your details will never be sold to a third party for marketing purposes or commercial gain. 

A Father’s Friend Limited®