Back to School, Back to Reality…

As September rolls around and the school bells ring, family law firms across England often experience a surge in inquiries from parents seeking advice on divorce and child arrangement issues.

The return to school after the summer holidays marks a critical juncture for many families, particularly fathers, who may have spent the summer navigating the complexities of shared parenting or struggling with reduced contact. From our experience at A Father’s Friend, this period often brings the reality of strained relationships to the forefront, leading to increased numbers of legal enquiries.

Why September?

It’s common for parents to put off addressing family disputes over the summer, hoping for a peaceful break for the children. However, once the children are back in school and daily routines resume, unresolved tensions tend to resurface. It’s often after the holidays that parents begin to assess their situation more critically and take the first steps toward resolving ongoing conflicts. Fathers, in particular, may find themselves facing difficulties in maintaining regular contact with their children or ensuring that their voice is heard in decision-making processes.

The Shift in Approach

Fortunately, for those considering divorce or addressing child arrangement issues, the legal landscape has shifted significantly in recent years. The introduction of "no-fault divorce" has removed the need to assign blame, allowing couples to part ways with less animosity. This shift is particularly important for fathers, who often feel that they are fighting an uphill battle in both the legal process and societal perceptions. The focus is now on facilitating a smoother transition for the whole family, with the children's best interests at the heart of every decision.

In addition to no-fault divorce, there has been a strong push towards non-court dispute resolution mechanisms, such as mediation and collaborative law. These methods are designed to reduce conflict, speed up resolution, and ultimately preserve a functional co-parenting relationship. Parent’s are often encouraged to explore these options before heading to court, which can be both slow and emotionally taxing. Resolving matters amicably is not only quicker but also reduces the long-term emotional impact on children.

The Challenges Fathers Face

Despite the strides made in family law, fathers still encounter significant challenges when it comes to child arrangements. It's not uncommon for fathers to feel that the system may favour mothers, or that they must fight harder to maintain regular and meaningful contact with their children. This issue is particularly acute after the summer holidays when many fathers are eager to return to a structured routine with their children but face barriers from their ex-partners or logistical challenges.

There are several key areas where fathers may need legal support, which mainly include:

  • Child Arrangements Orders (CAOs): Fathers who feel they are not getting adequate time with their children or are being denied contact may need to apply for a Child Arrangements Order. This legally sets out the time each parent will spend with the child.

  • Parental Responsibility: If not already established, fathers may need to apply for parental responsibility to ensure they have a say in key decisions about their child’s life, such as education and healthcare.

  • Relocation disputes: After the holidays, some parents may wish to move, and fathers often face challenges when opposing relocation that affects their time with the children.

The Importance of Support

The legal process can be daunting, particularly for fathers who may feel isolated or unsure of their parental rights. However, there is support available. Organisations like A Father’s Friend are invaluable resources for fathers navigating the complexities of divorce and child arrangements. They provide practical advice and guidance to ensure fathers are fully informed of their rights and the best ways to approach the situation. You can visit our website at A Father's Friend for further assistance.

Practical Legal Support: What to Do Next

If you find yourself facing divorce or child arrangement issues this September, it’s important to seek professional advice early on. A preliminary consultation with a family law service that can provide you with a clear understanding of your legal position, the available options, and the best strategy for moving forward.

At A Father’s Friend we offer fixed-fee services where we can discuss your specific circumstances, outline the legal framework, and guide you toward the best course of action. Whether it's through mediation or court proceedings, we work with you to ensure that your parental rights as a father are upheld, and your children’s welfare remains the priority.


The return to school can be a stressful time for fathers facing family breakdowns, but it also offers an opportunity to address unresolved issues head-on. By seeking the right support and understanding the legal tools available, fathers can ensure that they remain an active, positive presence in their children's lives. Remember, you don’t have to go through this process alone. Reach out to A Father’s Friend and speak to a legal professional who can help guide you through the challenges ahead.

This article is intended as general information and should not be considered as legal advice. For tailored advice specific to your situation, please consult a family law professional.


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