A Father’s Friend secures support from UnLtd -delivering social change in our community

A Father’s Friend Limited, from the West Midlands secures support and funding from UnLtd to help build lasting social impact 

A Father’s Friend is proud to announce our award from UnLtd, the UK’s foundation for social entrepreneurs. The award’s funding and tailored business support will significantly help A Father’s Friend to create a positive social impact for the family law community.     

There is a large demographic of fathers outside of the resident parent home that would find the affordability of legal support unattainable in todays society. When considering that the average wage in the UK as of 2021 is approximately £31,000 and the average cost for a family law solicitor is £300 per hour. ​​

Helping fathers in child arrangements to maintain or re-establish contact with their children is our goal. Just like many, we’re passionate about fathers maintaining a relationship with their children.

With A Father’s Friends’ fair and fixed price agreements, dads don’t have to worry about paying for more hours than they thought it would take. We have to focus on being more efficient to ensure our relationship is mutually beneficial. This means we can constantly improve the quality of the services we deliver - it opens the lines of communication.

As per the most recent www.gov.uk figures in the latest financial year ending 2020 it is estimated that: There were 2.4 million separated families in Great Britain including 3.6 million children in separated families. 56% of separated families had a child maintenance arrangement, 89% of Parents With Care were female and under the age of 50 and 86% of Non-Resident Parents were male and 80% were under the age of 50.

As per an article in the Guardian in 2020, it is stated that:legal aid services are on the brink of collapse due to successive cuts and the disruption wreaked by Covid-19, say lawyers. ​​There are very few solicitors now accepting legal aid in limited cases, with successive governments having systematically reduced the provision of Legal Aid over many years.’

Dads don’t have to be afraid to contact us with questions and be worried about receiving a bill for their time. All of our fixed price agreements include support and regularly scheduled review sessions. In fact, we encourage constant communication. Becoming the trusted support is our mission and open communication is the key.

Ultimately the impact is to gain fair outcomes in child arrangement cases and connect children to their fathers to build long lasting relationships. This impact is intended to last until the child is 18 less any external factors beyond our scope.

Shane, founder of A Father’s Friend, said: “UnLtd’s support will make a huge impact in helping us to become more visible online and via social media to reach more fathers and their families that may require our support.” 

UnLtd is currently working hard with partners from both the public and private sectors to deliver social impact by harnessing the huge potential of social entrepreneurs to solve society’s biggest challenges.

More information on UnLtd’s latest funding opportunities is available online here


Editor’s notes

For more information, please contact: info@afathersfriend.co.uk or; 01922 914961

Any UnLtd questions should be directed to Ruth Coustick-Deal, ruthcoustick-deal@unltd.org.uk or Anny Ma annyma@unltd.org.uk

What’s available for media?

  • Images

  • Interviews with founders and people from our network

About UnLtd, the Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs 

UnLtd funds and supports passionate and committed social entrepreneurs who are determined to tackle the key issues facing society today. 

UnLtd began in 2002 and since then has given out over 20,000 awards of support and funding, direct and through partners, to social entrepreneurs to start up and scale their impact. It supports individuals running ventures firmly rooted in delivering positive social change. 

UnLtd has developed a vibrant network of supporters in the UK and across the globe and is at the heart of a thriving movement for social change. Social entrepreneurs have solutions to some of the most pressing issues faced by society. UnLtd brings together insight and innovation from across the world so that social entrepreneurs can fulfil their potential to change the UK for the better. 

 For more information about the support offered by UnLtd go to www.unltd.org.uk  

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YouTube: www.youtube.com/unltdvideos   


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